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Budidaya Ikan Nila

Ikan Nila adalah ikan dengan pertumbuhan paling cepat dibandingkan ikan lain. Ikan nilan dapat tumbuh sampai 1 kg per ekornya dengan rasa dagingnya yang luar biasa enak. Ikan nila merupakan ikan favorit bagi para peternak ikan karena nilai jualnya yang tinggi sekaligus pertumbuhannya yang pesat menyebabkan waktu panen yang lebih pendek. Ikan nila juga mudah sekali pembudidayaannya, bahkan ikan ini dapat dibudidayakan dengan berbagai macam cara menggunakan kolam, jarring apung , atau karamba, di sawah, bahkan di kolam yang berair payau ikan ini mampu tumbuh dan berkembang.
cara budidaya ikan nila

cara budidaya ikan nila

Sejarah Ikan Nila

Ikan ini pertama kali dibawa dari Taiwan ke Bogor yakni di Balai Penelitian Perikanan Air Tawar pada tahun 1969. setelah diteliti ikan nila desebarkan ke berbagai daerah perikanan dan diberi nama sesuai dengan nama latinnya yakni Nilotica. Dimana nama ini menunjukkan daerah asal ikan ini yakni sungai Nil di Benua Afrika. Awalnya ikan ini mendiami hulu sungai Nil di Uganda dan mereka selama bertahun – tahun habitatnya semakin berkembang dan bermigrasi ke arah selatan ke hilir sungai melewati danau Raft dan Tanganyika sampai ke Mesir.Ikan ini dengan bantuan dari manusia sekarang sudah tersebar sampai ke lima benua. Meskipun habitatnya yang disukai adalah daerah tropis dan hangat.

Habitat ikan Nila

Ikan nila memiliki kemampuan menyesuaikan diri yang baik dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Ikan memiliki toleransi yang tinggi terhadap lingkungan hidupnya. Sehingga ia bisa dipelihara di dataran rendah yang berair payau maupun dataran yang tinggi dengan suhu yang rendah. Ia mampu hidup pada suhu 14 – 38 derajat celcius. Dengan suhu terbaik adalah 25 – 30 derajat. Hal yang paling berpengaruh dengan pertumbuhannya adalah salinitas atau kadar garam jumlah 0 – 29 % sebagai kadar maksimal untuk tumbuh dengan baik. Meski ia bisa hidup di kadar garam sampai 35% namun ia sudah tidak dapat tumbuh berkembang dengan baik.


Ikan nila dapat mencapai saat dewasa pada umur 4 – 5 bulan dan ia akan mencapai pertumbuhan maksimal untuk melahirkan sampai berumur 1,5 – 2 tahun. Pada saat ia berumur lebih dari 1 tahun kira – kira beratnya mencapai 800g dan saat ini ia bisa mengeluarkan 1200 – 1500 larva setiap kali ia memijah. Dan dapat berlangsung selama 6 – 7 kali dalam setahun. Sebelum memijah ikan nila jantan selalu membuat sarang di dasar perairan dan daerahnya akan ia jaga dan merupakan daerah teritorialnya sendiri. Ikan Nila jantan menjadi agresif saat musim ini

Kebiasaan makan ikan Nila

Ikan nila termasuk dalam ikan pemakan segala atau Omnivora. Ikan ini dapat berkembang biak dengan aneka makanan baik hewani maupun nabati. Ikan nila saat ia masih benih, pakannya adalah plankton dan lumut sedangkan jika ia sudah dewasa ia mampu diberi makanan tambahan seperti pelet dan berbagai makanan lain yaitu daun talas.

Hal yang harus anda ketahui untuk memelihara ikan nila adalah : pertumbuhan dari ikan ini sangat bergantung dari pengaruh fisika dan kimia serta interaksinya. Pada saat curah hujan yang tinggi misalnya pertumbuhan berbagai tanaman air akan berkurang sehingga mengganggu pertumbuhan air dan secara tidak langsung mengganggu pertumbuhan ikan nila. Ikan nila juga akan lebih cepar tumbuhnya jika dipelihara di kolam yang dangkal airnya, karena di kolam dangkal pertumbuhan tanaman dan ganggang lebih cepat dibandingkan di kolam yang dalam. Ada yang lain yaitu kolam yang pada saat pembuatannya menggunakan pupuk organic atau pupuk kandang juga akan membuat pertumbuhan tanaman air lebih baik dan ikan nila juga akan lebih pesat pertumbuhannya.

Ikan nila jantan juga memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan dengan yang betina. Ikan jantan memiliki pertumbuhan 40% lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan yang betina. Terlebih jika dipelihara dalam kolam yang dibedakan. Atau monosex

Prospek pasar

Jika anda tertarik untuk memelihara ikan nila sebagai species pilihan maka memang betul sekali pilihan anda. Minat pasar untuk ikan nila masih sangat lebar, mulai dari nila yang stadium bibit sampai ikan nila yang di kategorikan sebagai ikan konsumsi semua pasar tersebut masih sangat memungkinkan dimasuki. Karena termasuk ikan konsumsi dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau pasar.

Jenis ikan nila yang menjadi target pasar dalam negri adalah jenis ikan nila lokal dimana anda bisa mensuply ikan anda ke berbai kolam pemancingan dan juga aneka rumah makan, sementara untuk pangsa ekspor anda sebaiknya memilih ikan nila merah dan ikan nila gift, yang tentu saja harganya pasti akan lebih mahal dibandingkan ikan nila biasa. Kualitas daging dan ukuran tubuh menjadi tuntutan bagi para peternak untuk mengekspor produknya. Persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi adalah berat tubuh minimal 500g per ekornya dengan kualitas no 1. dan tujuan ekspornya adalah Singapura, Hongkong, Saudi Arabia, Amerika Serikat serta beberapa negara di Eropa.

Sukses Budidaya Ikan Nila

ikan-nilaIkan nila merupakan komoditas potensial yang patut dilirik oleh siapa saja yang ingin menggelutinya. Ikan Nila GIFT (Oreochromis niloticus bleeker) merupakan jenis ikan air tawar favorit karena nilai jualnya yang tinggi sekaligus pertumbuhannya yang pesat menyebabkan waktu panen yang lebih pendek. Selain itu ikan nila juga mudah dikembangbiakan, dan dipelihara serta toleransinya yang tinggi terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Rasanya cukup gurih sehingga digemari masvarakat Indonesia.Bentuk tubuh ikan nila lebih besar dari pada ikan mujair serta memiliki garis-garis putih vertical pada sirip ekor dan punggungnya. Ikan nila yang merupakan ikan sungai atau danau sangat cocok dibudidaya pada perairan yang tenang ataupun kolam. Toleransi ikan ini terhadap salinitas sangat tinggi, sehingga selain pada perairan tawar, nila juga sering ditemukan hidup dan berkembang pesat pada perairan payau, misalnya tambak.

Teknik Budidaya

Persiapan Kolam.

Jenis kolam yang ideal untuk pemeliharaan ikan nila yaitu kolam tanah dengan jenis tanah bertekstur liat atau liat berpasir. Kedalaman kolam sebaiknya berkisar antara 0,5-1 m. Kedalaman ini berperan dalam menentukan tingkat kesuburan kolam dimana kedalaman kolam berpengaruh pada masuknya sinar matahari yang berperan pada proses fotosintesis sehingga menyebabkan tersedianya makanan alami bagi ikan di dalam kolam. Pada kolam sebaiknya memiliki saluran pemasukan dan pengeluaran air. Hal ini penting dalam mengatur sirkulasi air di kolam.

Hal-hal yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum dilakukan pengisian air pada kolam :

- Kolam dikeringkan dan dijemur selama 4-7 hari atau sampai tanah dasar kolam retak-retak. Hal ini berguna untuk membasmi hama dan bibit-bibit penyakit.

-Pemberian kapur pada kolam dengan dosis 10-25 gr/m2. Tujuannya adalah untuk membasmi bibit – bibit penyakit yang masih terdapat di dasar kolam dan selain itu juga dapat meningkatkan pH air.

-Pemupukan kolam. Pupuk yang digunakan berupa pupuk kandang maupun pupuk buatan. Hal ini perlu karena sifat ikan nila yang menyukai pakan plankton. Pupuk kandang paling baik diberikan pada awal persiapan kolam dengan dosis 250 gr/m3. Setelah kolam diisi air selanjutnya diberikan pupuk anorganik berupa urea dan TSP dengan dosis masing – masing 2,5 g/m2 dan 1,25 g/m2.

-Pengisian air kolam. Sumber air dapat berasal dari sungai, danau, mata air atau air sumur. Untuk pengisian pertama, kolam diisi air hingga ketinggian 5-10 cm dan dibiarkan selama 3-4 hari. Hal ini berguna untuk tumbuhnya makanan alami di kolam. Selanjutnya di kolam diisi penuh dan dilanjutkan dengan pemupukan menggunakan pupuk anorganik.

Penebaran Benih.

Ciri-ciri benih yang baik adalah yang berwarna cerah dan pergerakannya lincah. Untuk padat penebaran yang dianjurkan berkisar 15-20 ekor/m2. Tergantung dengan ukuran benih. Sebelum ditebar benih disucihamakan terlebih dahulu dengan direndam pada larutan Kalium Permanat (PK) atau malachite green atau garam dapur selama 1-2 hari. Penebaran dilakukan pada pagi atau sore hari. Saat penebaran, dilakukan aklimatisasi yaitu dengan cara memasukkan kantong benih ke dalam kolam sehingga air kolam masuk ke wadah benih sedikit demi sedikit, lalu secara perlahan-lahan benih dikeluarkan.

Pemberian Pakan.

Jenis pakan yang baik berupa pellet yang mengandung 25% protein. Selain itu juga dapat diberikan pakan tambahan berupa dedak halus, ampas tahu atau bahan makanan lain yang mudah diperoleh. Pemberian pakan per hari harus, yaitu sebanyak 3-5%dari berat tubuh ikan.


Pemanenan dapat dilakukan pada 3-6 bulan pemeliharaan. Hal ini tergantung pada : Kesuburan kolam, Ukuran ikan yang diharapkan, Teknik pemeliharaan. Biasanya untuk ukuran 500-600 gr/ekor pemanenan dapat dilakukan selama kurang lebih 6 bulan pemeliharaan. Pemanenan di kolam dapat dilakukan dengan pengeringan air hingga tersisa di kemalir yang untuk selanjutnya dapat ditangkap dengan diseser.


Potensi pasar untuk ikan nila masih sangat lebar dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau pasar, mulai dari nila yang stadium bibit sampai ikan nila yang di kategorikan sebagai ikan konsumsi semua pasar tersebut masih sangat memungkinkan dimasuki. Ikan nila ini dapat Anda pasarkan untuk mensuplay ke berbagai kolam pemancingan ikan, pasar-pasar tradisional maupun supermarket, rumah makan, bahkan untuk skala ekspor.

Analisa Usaha.

Budidaya dilakukan pada kolam sederhana ukuran 50 m2
dengan padat tebar 35 ekor/m2.
Feeding rate sebesar 3% dengan masa pemeliharaan 3,5 bulan,
mortalitas 25% dan hasil panen ukuran 300 gr perekor.

•Pembuatan kolam dan pembelian peralatan = Rp. 1.000.000

•Biaya Tetap per panen dalam satu tahun Rp. 480.000: 4 = Rp. 120.000
•Biaya variable terdiri dari Benih+pakan+ Obat = Rp. 2.051.200
Total biaya = Rp. 2.051.200 + Rp. 120.000 = Rp. 2.171.200
3.Hasil Produksi per periode = Panen 394 kg@ 9000 = Rp. 3.536.000
4.Keuntungan = Rp. 3.536.000 - Rp. 2.171.200 = Rp. 1.374.800

Diolah dari berbagai sumber
Sumber Gambar:

desain rumah pojok

complete lyrics album DEATH MAGNETIC

"That Was Just Your Life"

Like a siren in my head that always threatens to repeat,
Like a blind man that is strapped into the speeding driver's seat,
Like a face that learned to speak, when all it knew was how to fight,
Like a misery that keeps me though I've gone astray
Like an endless nightmare I must awaken from each day

A premonition,
Not worthy of, so I deny
I deny.

I blind my eyes and try to force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by
I open just in time to say goodbye.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.


Like a wound that keeps on bleeding to remind me not to think,
Like a raging river, drowning when i only need a drink,
Like a poison that i swallow, but i want the world to die.

Like a release from a prison that i didn't know i was in,
Like a fight to live the past I prayed to leave from way back when
Like a general without a mission until the wars start again,
Start again.

I blind my eyes and try and force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by
I open just in time to say goodbye.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.

Like a touch from hell,
I feel how hot that it can get if you get caught,
Like a strike from heaven that turns that key,
That brings you straight down to your knees,
Like a touch from hell,
I feel how hot that it can get if i get caught,
Like a strike from heaven to reprieve,
That brings you straight down to your knees.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.
That was just your life.

"The End Of The Line"

More and more
Tainted misery

Battle scars
Chemical affinity

Innocence corrode

Rot away
Catatonic overload

Snuff reality

Kill the light
Incinerate celebrity

Karma amputee

Breeding fine
Death contagious deity

Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more

New consequence machine
Burn through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime
Never mind
You reach the end of the line

Choke the clock
Steal another day

Narcissistic fade away

Jump the rail
Shout at the crowd below

Chase the ghost
The latest high to all time low

Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more

New consequence machine
Burn through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime
Never mind
You reach the end of the line

Drop the hourglass of time
Spinning sand we will not find
As we gather here today
We bid farewell

The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master

Need more and more
Right now and ever after
Need more and more

New consequence machine
Burn through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime
Never mind

Dead hourglass of time
Sand we will not ever find
We gather here today
Say goodbye
'Cause you've reached the end of the line

The end of the line
The end of the line
The end of the line
You've reached the end of the line

"Broken, Beat & Scarred"

You rise you fall your down and you rise again
What don't Kill you Makes you more strong
You rise you fall your down and you rise again
What don't Kill you Made you more strong
Rise Fall down Rise again
What don't Kill you Makes you more strong
Rise Fall down Rise again
What don't Kill you Made you more strong
Through black days through black nights
Through pitch black insides

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars

Broken Beat and Scarred
But we die hard

Dawn the death the fight to the final breath
What don't Kill you Made you more strong
The Dawn the death the fight to the final breath
What don't Kill you Make you more strong
Dawn Death Fight Final breath
What don't Kill you Make you more strong
Dawn Death Fight Final breath
What don't Kill you Make you more strong
The scratch me they scrape me they cut and rape me

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars

Breaking your life and Broken Beat and Scarred
But we die hard

Breaking your teeth on the hard life a coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars

Bleeding your soul in a hard luck story
Show your scars
Spilling your blood in the hot sun's glory

Breaking your life and Broken Beat and Scarred
But we die hard

We die hard!!!
We die hard

"The Day That Never Comes"

Born to push you around
You better just stay down
You pull away
He hits the flesh
You hit the ground

Mouth so full of lies
Tend to black your eyes
Just keep them close
Keep praying
Just keep waiting

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
But the sunshine never comes, no...
The sunshine never comes

Push you across that line
Just stay down this time
Hide in yourself
Crawl in yourself
You'll have your time

God, I'll make 'em pay
Take it back one day
I'll end this day
I'll splatter color on this grey

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
But the sunshine never comes, no...
The sunshine never comes

Love is a four letter word
And never spoken here
Love is a four letter word
Here in this prison

I suffer this no longer
I'll put an end to this I swear!
This I swear!
The sun will shine
This I swear!
This I swear!
This I swear!

"All Nightmare Long"

Luck. Runs. Out.
Crawl from the wreckage one more time
Horrific memory twists the mind
Dark, rutted, cold and hard to turn
Path of destruction, feel it burn
Still life
Still life

Still you run, what's to come?
What's today?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck. Runs.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out


Luck. Runs. Out.

The light that is not light is here
To flush you out with your own fear
You hide, you hide, but will be found
Release your grip without a sound

Still life
Still life

Still you run, what's to come?
What's today?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Luck. Runs.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

Then you crawl back in
Into your obsession
Never to return
This is your confession

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck. Runs.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

Your luck runs out


Sleep, and dream of this
Death angel's kiss
Brings final bliss
Come believe me!

Empty they say
Death, won't you let me stay?
Empty they say
Death, won't you call your name?
Oh, call your name!

Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral I've been waiting for
Cyanide, living dead inside
Break this empty shell forevermore

Wait, wait patiently
Your death-black wings
Unfolding sleep
Spreading on me

Empty they say
Death, won't you let me stay?
Empty they say
Death, hear me call your name
Oh, call your name!

Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral I've been waiting for
Cyanide, living dead inside
Break this empty shell forevermore

Say, is that rain or are they tears?
That stained your concrete face for years
Crying, weeping, shedding strife
Year after year, life after life

A narrow freshly broken ground
A concrete angel laid right down
Upon the grave which swallows fast
It's peace at last
Oh, peace at last

Empty they say
Death, won't you let me stay?
Empty they say
Death, hear me call your name
Oh, call your name

Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral I've been waiting for
Cyanide, living dead inside
Break this empty shell forevermore

It's the funeral I've been waiting for!

"The Unforgiven III"

How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling
He could just be gone

He would just sail on
He would just sail on

How can I be lost?
If I've got nowhere to go?
Searched the seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
How can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating
This seeking life outside its hell
Inside intoxicating
He's run aground
Like his life
Water's much too shallow
Slipping fast
Down with the ship
Fading in the shadows now
A castaway

All gone

They've gone away

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me, why can't I forgive me?

Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure
How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost
In remembrance I relive
So how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

"The Judas Kiss"

When the world has turned its back
When the days have turned pitch black
When the fear abducts your tongue
When the fire's dead and gone

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done
When you are the ostracized
Selfish ridden dead goodbyes
Twisting of the tourniquet
When the pieces never fit

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done

Bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons

Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons

Into abyss
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas kiss

When the storm has blacked your sky
Intuition crucify
When the ego strips your reign
Assassinate the living flame

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done
Venom of a life insane
Bites into your fragile veins
Internalize and decimate
Patronize and complicate

So what now?
Where go I?

When you think it's all said and done

Bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons

Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons

Into abyss
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas kiss

Judas lives recite this vow
I've become your new god now

Follow you from dawn of time
Whisper thoughts into your mind
Watched your towers hit the ground
Lured the children never found
Helped your kings abuse their crown

In the heart of evil man
Plant the seeds of my own plan
Strong and powerful will fall
Find a piece of me in all
Inside you all

So bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons

Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons

Into abyss
You don't exist
Cannot resist
The Judas kiss

"My Apocalypse"

Crawl out of this skin
Hard explosive
Reaching for that pin

Feel thy name extermination
Desacrating, Hail of Fire

So we cross that line
Into the grips
Total eclipse
Suffer unto my apocalypse!

Deadly vision
Prophecy revealed
Death magnetic
Pulling closer still

Feel thy name annihilation
Desolating, Hail of Fire

So we cross that line
Into the grips
Total eclipse
Suffer unto my apocalypse!

My apocalypse... Go!

Crushing metal, Ripping Skin
Tossing body mannequin
Spilling Blood, Bleeding Gas

Mangle flesh, Snapping spine
Dripping bloody valentine
Shattered face, spitting glass

Split apart
Split apart
Split apart
Spit it out!

What makes me drift a litter bit closer
Dead man takes the steering wheel
What makes me know it's time to cross over
Words you repeat until I feel

See through the skin the bones they all rattle
Future and past they disagree
Flesh falls away the bones they all shatter
I start to see the end in me

See the end in me...

Climb out of this skin
Hard explosive
Waiting for that pin

Violate, annihilate
Wounds unto my eyes
Obliterate, exterminate
Life itself denied

Feel thy name as hell awakens
Destiny, Inhale the Fire

But we cross that line
Into the grips
Total eclipse
Suffer unto my apocalypse!

Tyrants awaken my apocalypse!
Demon awaken my apocalypse!
Heaven awaken my apocalypse!
Suffer forever my apocalypse!

DEATH MAGNETIC "The Day That Never Comes"

"The Day That Never Comes"

Born to push you around
You better just stay down
You pull away
He hits the flesh
You hit the ground

Mouth so full of lies
Tend to black your eyes
Just keep them close
Keep praying
Just keep waiting

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
But the sunshine never comes, no...
The sunshine never comes

Push you across that line
Just stay down this time
Hide in yourself
Crawl in yourself
You'll have your time

God, I'll make 'em pay
Take it back one day
I'll end this day
I'll splatter color on this grey

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
But the sunshine never comes, no...
The sunshine never comes

Love is a four letter word
And never spoken here
Love is a four letter word
Here in this prison

I suffer this no longer
I'll put an end to this I swear!
This I swear!
The sun will shine
This I swear!
This I swear!
This I swear!

DEATH MAGNETIC "Broken, Beat & Scarred"

"Broken, Beat & Scarred"

You rise you fall your down and you rise again
What don't Kill you Makes you more strong
You rise you fall your down and you rise again
What don't Kill you Made you more strong
Rise Fall down Rise again
What don't Kill you Makes you more strong
Rise Fall down Rise again
What don't Kill you Made you more strong
Through black days through black nights
Through pitch black insides

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars

Broken Beat and Scarred
But we die hard

Dawn the death the fight to the final breath
What don't Kill you Made you more strong
The Dawn the death the fight to the final breath
What don't Kill you Make you more strong
Dawn Death Fight Final breath
What don't Kill you Make you more strong
Dawn Death Fight Final breath
What don't Kill you Make you more strong
The scratch me they scrape me they cut and rape me

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars

Breaking your life and Broken Beat and Scarred
But we die hard

Breaking your teeth on the hard life a coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars

Bleeding your soul in a hard luck story
Show your scars
Spilling your blood in the hot sun's glory

Breaking your life and Broken Beat and Scarred
But we die hard

We die hard!!!
We die hard

DEATH MAGNETIC Lyrics "The End Of The Line"

"The End Of The Line"

More and more
Tainted misery

Battle scars
Chemical affinity

Innocence corrode

Rot away
Catatonic overload

Snuff reality

Kill the light
Incinerate celebrity

Karma amputee

Breeding fine
Death contagious deity

Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more

New consequence machine
Burn through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime
Never mind
You reach the end of the line

Choke the clock
Steal another day

Narcissistic fade away

Jump the rail
Shout at the crowd below

Chase the ghost
The latest high to all time low

Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more

New consequence machine
Burn through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime
Never mind
You reach the end of the line

Drop the hourglass of time
Spinning sand we will not find
As we gather here today
We bid farewell

The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master
The slave becomes the master

Need more and more
Right now and ever after
Need more and more

New consequence machine
Burn through all your gasoline
Asylum overtime
Never mind

Dead hourglass of time
Sand we will not ever find
We gather here today
Say goodbye
'Cause you've reached the end of the line

The end of the line
The end of the line
The end of the line
You've reached the end of the line

DEATH MAGNETIC Lyrics ("That Was Just Your Life")

"That Was Just Your Life"

Like a siren in my head that always threatens to repeat,
Like a blind man that is strapped into the speeding driver's seat,
Like a face that learned to speak, when all it knew was how to fight,
Like a misery that keeps me though I've gone astray
Like an endless nightmare I must awaken from each day

A premonition,
Not worthy of, so I deny
I deny.

I blind my eyes and try to force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by
I open just in time to say goodbye.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.


Like a wound that keeps on bleeding to remind me not to think,
Like a raging river, drowning when i only need a drink,
Like a poison that i swallow, but i want the world to die.

Like a release from a prison that i didn't know i was in,
Like a fight to live the past I prayed to leave from way back when
Like a general without a mission until the wars start again,
Start again.

I blind my eyes and try and force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by
I open just in time to say goodbye.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.

Like a touch from hell,
I feel how hot that it can get if you get caught,
Like a strike from heaven that turns that key,
That brings you straight down to your knees,
Like a touch from hell,
I feel how hot that it can get if i get caught,
Like a strike from heaven to reprieve,
That brings you straight down to your knees.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Cursed, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.
That was just your life.


Metallica didirikan pertama kali di Los Angeles – Amerika Serikat dengan nama The Young of Metal Attack. Beberapa bulan kemudian grup ini berganti nama dengan Metallica yang konon merupakan gabungan kata Metal dan Vodca. Nama Metallica sendiri sebenarnya adalah nama yang diusulkan untuk sebuah majalah musik yang dicuri oleh Lars Ulrich sebelum majalah tersebut mendapat nama tersebut.

Formasi pertama Metallica adalah Lars Ulrich (drum), James Hetfield (vokal dan gitar), Lloyd Grant (gitar) dan Ron Mc Govney (bass). Formasi inilah yang kemudian melahirkan lagu pertama berjudul Hit The Light, yang kemudian masuk album kompilasi rock Metal Massacre tahun 1981.

Setelah Metal Massacre beredar, Grant dan Ron mengundurkan diri. Posisi Grant digantikan oleh Dave Mustaine dan posisi Ron digantikan Cliff Burton. Formasi ini kemudian pada Juli 1982 mengeluarkan demo-album No Life Till Leather. Demo inilah yang kemudian mengantarkan Metallica mendapatkan agen dan kemudian hijrah ke New York.

Pada 1983, Metallica berencana akan melakukan tur pendek kebeberapa kota. Sayang Hetfield dan Mustaine malah terlibat perseteruan, hingga akhirnya Mustaine keluar dan kemudian mendirikan Megadeth. Posisi Mustaine digantikan oleh Kirk Hammett , gitaris dari grup Exodus. Formasi ketiga inilah yang kemudian mengeluarkan album Kill ‘Em All pada bulan Mei 1983.

Pada tahun 1984, Metallica semakin besar dengan menerbitkan album Ride the Lightning. Album ini bertahan 50 minggu dalam Billboard Top 200. Demi memperlancar promosi mereka juga mengeluarkan mini album Jump In The Fire.

September 1985, Metallica memproduksi album Master Of Puppets. Kembali Metallica masuk Billboard Top 40 selama 72 minggu. Album ini merupakan album yang meraih platinum tanpa single dan video.

Tanggal 27 September 1986, dalam perjalanan tur ke Skandinavia – bus yang mereka tumpangi mengalami kecelakaan dan Cliff Burton (bass) meninggal dunia. Peristiwa ini begitu memukul seluruh anggota band. Bahkan Dave Mustaine yang telah mendirikan Megadeth, mengenang kematian Cliff dalam lagu In My Darkest Hour (album Megadeth: So far.. So Good.. So What!). Oktober 1986, posisi Cliff Burton digantikan oleh Jason Newsted, basis dari grup Floatsam And Jetsam.

Album …And Justice For All beredar September 1988. Disinilah Metallica mulai mengeluarkan video klip. Video pertama mereka adalah untuk lagu One, video ini mencapai nomor 1 di MTV. Keberhasilan ini kemudian mendorong produksi video klip Cliff ‘Em All sebuah video kenangan untuk Cliff Burton.

Akhir 1990 album Metallica direkam. Album ini membuat Metallica mencapai penjualan quadruple platinum dan menjadi album nomor satu di delapan negara Amerika dan Eropa. Serta meraih penghargaan Grammy Award, kategori Penampil Metal Terbaik dua tahun berturut-turut.

Basis jason Newsted mengundurkan diri dari band setelah bersitegang dengan James Hetfield. Perseteruan ini disebabkan Jason Newsted lebih menghabiskan waktu dengan proyek-nya sendiri. Anggota band yang lain menganggap Metallica harus diutamakan, meskipun pada saat itu Metallica sedang vakum.

Grup ini pada saat ini beranggotakan Lars Ulrich (drums), James Hetfield (vokal dan gitar), Kirk Hammett (gitar) dan Rob Trujillo (bass). Mantan anggota lainnya termasuk Ron McGovney (bass), Dave Mustaine (gitar), Cliff Burton (bass) dan Jason Newsted (bass).180px-metallica_logo.jpg